Denver ISM Alumni Get-Together

July 20, 2019 0 comments ISMAANA Admin Categories Patrika Q2 2019

The event took place at 7:00 PM on February 25, 2019 at Mint India restaurant. Most of us (also SME attendees) gathered at Hyatt Hotel lobby and took a few minutes walk in nice cold winter to Mint India, where the IIT(ISM) get-together took place. We are doing these get-togethers since 2008 (first social event was in Salt Lake City), so this was our 12th social event in continuation. We have a guest alumni Dr. Veerendra Singh (Principal Scientist, Tisco) joining this event all the way from India.

Vishal Gupta welcomed everyone. The event followed by formal introduction in ISM way. The group celebrated awards given to ISMites during SME meeting at different events – Frank Alsobrook Award to Rajesh Raitani, Program Manager Award to Dr. Nikhil Gupta, IMAD Chair Recognition award to Abani Samal, scholarship award to Tushar Gupta and other SME scholarship awards to current IIT(ISM) students. Vishal apprised the alumni of various efforts for scholarships and other activities taken up by ISM alumni association of North America.

It was indeed a joyous occasion, and everyone enjoyed the social get-together. It’s just once a year that we all get-together during SME meeting, alumni come from different states and sometime even travel as far from India to attend this conference and making this evening more special.

With this, I would like to thank alumni to take some time out to celebrate ISMite get-together to cherish the glorious days of IIT(ISM) during SME meeting. It was always a pleasure to have support from senior-most alumni Dr. Madan Singh sir (1956). A special thanks to Raghav Dube who did the hard work finding a place, menu and our treasurer for such events.