Innovation awards

July 7, 2021 0 comments ISMAANA Admin Categories Patrika Q2 2021

ISMAANA members have sponsored several innovation awards to foster innovative thinking and ideas at IIT (ISM)

Dr. Piyush Dutta (Mining’60) Innovation and Invention Prize of Rs. 1 lakh was established in January 2019. Naresh Vashisht Center for Innovation and Tinkering organized a competition among final year students for developing innovative technologies in the field of Mining Engineering. Total of 6 teams participated in the finals organized on November 11, 2020.

Following students and their entries were declared joint winners:

  1. Sanchit Kumar (17JE002925) Mining Engineering – Deployment of Drones enabled with Satellite Imagery sensors along with custom algorithm in the Mining Industry
  2. Darshil Asawa (17JE002727) Mining Engineering and Kapil Verma (17JE003547) Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering – DAAP Guidance System

The winning idea by Mr. Sanchit Kumar was related to the development of AI based drone enabled satellite imagery technology which uses the knowledge of the mining industry in association with applied AI and analytics to create a custom algorithm that enables a safer and more sustainable mining process.

Team DAAP proposed a new machine that would revolutionize the marble and stone mining industry by making the process of hole finding more efficient, quicker and economical.

The prize of Rs 1 Lakh was shared 65% by Team 1 and 35% by Team 2.

Following innovation awards are proposed by ISMAANA members and are currently in their review and approval process.

  1. Dr, Anil Kumar (PE’65), ISMAANA Vice President has sponsored 2 innovation awards of Rs 50,000 each for any undergraduate student of IIT (ISM). The name of the awards are Dr. Anil & Mamta Kumar Prize for Product Innovation and Invention to Reduce Imports to India. Awards shall be given for original engineering products design/concepts, and prototype demonstrations that will reduce import of that product/component to India.
  2. Ishwar Singh (PE’70) ISMAANA board member has proposed 2 innovation awards of Rs 50,000 each for any undergraduate student at IIT (ISM). The name of the awards shall be Ishwar Singh Innovation awards. Awards to be given for the best original conceptual idea presentation, report, and/or prototype demonstration that shows advancement in technology.
  3. Madhuchhanda Das (PE’93) has proposed an innovation award of $700 for any undergraduate student at IIT(ISM). The award shall be given to winners of annual competition for most innovative idea, conceptualization, presentation and prototype demonstration.